YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Dr M refutes claims of him trying to topple Abdullah

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dr M refutes claims of him trying to topple Abdullah

CYBERJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has refuted suggestions that he is trying to oust Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi from his post.

“There is no way for me to topple the Prime Minister,” he said, responding to reported remarks by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz last Saturday.

Nazri had allegedly said that based on information that he received on conversations that the former prime minister had had with some friends, he believed Dr Mahathir wanted to topple Abdullah.

“It’s up to Umno to decide, not me. I have no way of trying to topple the Prime Minister. I’m not forming a new party. I’m not doing anything,” he told reporters at the Multimedia University here yesterday.

In Johor Baru, Umno Youth international bureau chief Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir has suggested that his father and Abdullah meet “face to face” to settle their differences.

“If this is difficult, maybe they can meet at the Umno general assembly or at the Umno supreme council meeting,” he told reporters after opening the Tebrau Umno Youth division meeting here yesterday.

Mukhriz also refuted a statement by the movement’s deputy head, Khairy Jamaluddin, that other people had a hand behind Dr Mahathir’s actions.

“My father may get advice or information from many people but in the end he decides on his own on what he thinks on certain issues.

“My father is totally responsible for what he says and does,” he said, adding that he fully supported his father.

At another function in Penang, Mukhriz said he had received moral support from party grassroots and at division levels to continue his father’s struggles “until the truth prevails”.

“My father has no intention whatsoever to become the prime minister or Umno president again.

“He is just trying to correct what is wrong in the present leadership and Government,” he told reporters after opening the Bukit Glugor Umno Youth annual meeting.

Earlier, in Perak, Mukhriz said his father would not stop airing his grievances until he got some “rational answers” to his questions.

“This is the only way to end this polemic,” he told reporters after opening the Gopeng Umno division meeting.

On claims by several ministers that they had already answered the issues raised by the former prime minister, he said: “The majority of Umno members I met are also not satisfied with the answers given. If the members are not satisfied, what more my father?”

“He had managed the country for 22 years and there are certain things that he feels are not right,” he said.

To questions on his relationship with Khairy, who is also Abdullah’s son-in-law, Mukhriz said: “What has been going on does not affect my relationship with Pak Lah or Khairy.”


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