YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Can car Accident be avoided??? YAU MOU GAU.....CHOR!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Can car Accident be avoided??? YAU MOU GAU.....CHOR!!

Why Car's accident rate in Malaysia is one of the Highest in the WORLD?? --> BeritaHarian
Someone might say, accident cannot be avoided. Someone will say, accidents is Due to car Speeds!!...some say Due to animal. blabla....this cause and that cause........YAU MOU GAU......CHOR!!

I think most cases are Due to Human Factors. Let's listen to what the Minister of Transportation Dato' Sri Chan Kong Choy said on this issue. Click here --> Motortrader

Have a coffee break might reduced the stress and sleepy mind for your long journey. That's is effectly to me too. Thanks to Petronas!! Chick here ---> Coffee??

Don't DRINK and DRIVE!!


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