YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Policewomen who gave strip order identified??? YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Policewomen who gave strip order identified??? YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!!

KUALA LUMPUR: Two policewomen who allegedly ordered a housewife to strip naked and do a pirouette at a police station were picked out at a police identification parade on Friday. Cheng Pik Wai (鄭碧慧), 61, who was called to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters for the line- up, identified the two constables. She had earlier alleged they had also teased and laughed as she turned in circles three times in the March 11 incident."I identified the two policewomen from the line-up. They were present when I was ordered to strip," she said at a Press conference at the office of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok yesterday.

Cheng, a Malaysian citizen of Taiwanese origin, said she was still angry and humiliated three weeks after she was arrested for allegedly shoplifting at a nearby department store."I am angry and feel humiliated over my treatment," she said in Mandarin.Cheng gestured wildly as she related the incident at the Jalan Hang Tuah police lock-up. She does not speak Bahasa Malaysia or English and her statements were translated by Kok.Her lawyer, Sankaran Nair, who was also present, said: "We will file a lawsuit for defamation." On Thursday, Cheng told the Press she was taken to the lock-up following a "slight misunderstanding" while she was shopping.When they let her go, she said she checked her purse and discovered that some money was missing.Dang Wangi deputy police chief Superintendent Mohd Rodzi Ismail said: "We will send the investigating papers to the public prosecutor on Monday."

Previous links: http://yaumougauchor.blogspot.com/2005/11/nude-woman-ordered-to-squat-chinese.html


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