YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Operation to find 50,000 ‘missing Chinese tourists’ ??? YAU MOU GAU..CHOR!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Operation to find 50,000 ‘missing Chinese tourists’ ??? YAU MOU GAU..CHOR!!

A large-scale operation is being planned to track down the 50,000 overstaying Chinese tourists.

Immigration Enforcement director Datuk Ishak Mohamed said the department would work with the Chinese Embassy and the police to track them down."We know the magnitude of this case and we need the extra hands to solve this problem," he told reporters today.

More news: The star 26th Nov'05

50,000 chinese missing in Malaysia!!! 65% missing tourist are women.
Wow! no wonder so many LENG LUI around me these days. Becareful man, your new girl friends might be from CHINA........ YahOOooooo... Good luck!!

YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!!! Love Chinese girls.....CRAZY about U!!!


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