YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Is TUITION the only Solution??? YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Is TUITION the only Solution??? YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!!!

More than 90% of urban children go for some sort of tuition

Private tuition centres can rake in between RM20,000 and RM50,000 a month
Tuition fees increase annually and parents forced to send because children are weak in class
Parents fork out anything between RM200 and RM2,000 fees for each child per month
Schoolteachers unable to focus on weak individuals because of large classes
An estimated 50% of teachers reportedly give tuition to earn extra
Malaysian education system’s emphasis on paper chase blamed

What the Education Ministry says
Teachers allowed to give tuition to improve students performance

They must get approval from school heads and Education Department to give tuition

YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!! Pity to the parents and students......sad


Blogger yhtan said...

maybe those teacher act lazy in class and then wanna earn more money in tuition.....
Yau Mou Gau CHOR....

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 4:44:00 PM  
Blogger SEE FU said...

yhtan arr!!

I think so!! Because most of the teach are focus on their business not education. Totally screww....up!!

What can we do??....Any suggestion??

YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!! Tiution...a solution to side income????

Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:06:00 AM  

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