YAU MOU GAU...CHOR!! (有冇搞..错!!): Senator in cloned APs scam??? YAU MOU GUA...CHOR!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Senator in cloned APs scam??? YAU MOU GUA...CHOR!!

PUTRAJAYA: He is a senator, a member of the august Dewan Negara. Yet, he allegedly collaborated with his son to clone Approved Permits to import cars illegally.

Customs says it has solid evidence to prove this after the seizure of luxury cars imported through the use of fake documents.

Initial investigations revealed that the APs awarded by the government were in the senator's name and managed by a company he set up about three years ago. The company is run by his son.

It is understood that the senator is pleading ignorance as he had little knowledge about the company's day-to-day management.

But Customs is not buying this excuse.

"To claim ignorance about the cloning of the APs by his son is unacceptable. Therefore, the senator, by virtue of being the company’s owner, should be responsible over his business," a source told the New Straits Times.

"It is illogical for the senator to claim that he did not know anything about his son’s activities when he owns the company. He should be more responsible and accountable. Greed may have driven father and son to commit the offence."

Investigations so far have revealed that the company could amass profits of up to RM500,000 a month from the sale of cloned APs.

The source added that investigation papers on the case would be submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers soon.

"The Customs and Excise Department has to get the green light from the A-G first before we can charge a prominent person in court.

"This is the procedure normally applied when public figures or VIPs are involved. The Customs legal adviser is preparing the report for submission to the A-G."

It is also said that Customs had "solid evidence" with the seizure of at least 20 imported luxury cars bought using cloned APs.

"Although investigations are also conducted on three other companies for cloning of APs, Customs is giving priority to this case as it has concrete evidence against the senator."

The department is liaising with the International Trade and Industry Ministry officials on the cases.

The New Straits Times reported on Saturday that this well-known company, based in the Klang Valley, might have produced more than 1,000 fake APs.

They were sold for RM30,000 to RM40,000 each. Up to five clones were made from each AP issued to the company by the government.

The company will also be charged with two other companies for tax offences relating to the under-declaration of the value of the cars they imported.

The discovery of cloned APs and under-declaration of taxes for imported cars prompted the government to freeze the issue of franchised APs for new cars and stop giving out permits for tuned-up cars.

Customs has set up a team, led by its preventive director, Adnan Ariffin, to investigate the cases.

Customs director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Abdul Hamid had said on Friday that the three companies, all based in the Klang Valley, would be charged under the Customs Act for tax-related offences involving millions of ringgit.


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