Anti graft campaign to be permanent feature in police force
KUALA LUMPUR: Policemen must now wear button badges with the words Saya anti-rasuah (I'm against graft) inscribed on them or face the wrath of the top brass.
This is part of a campaign to wipe out corruption in the police force.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Musa Hassan said disciplinary action would be taken against any police personnel who failed to pin the button badge above his or her nametag. “All police contingents have been issued with the button badges, as well as car stickers with words Lapor Jika Ada Rasuah (Report if there is corruption) for Mobile Patrol Vehicles. “With the badges and stickers prominently visible, we hope the public will not be party to corrupt practices,” he said. He said all state and district police contingents were also provided with four types of banners – Polis Bermaruah Tanpa Rasuah (Honourable police above corruption), Jangan Memberi Dan Menerima Rasuah (Don’t give and take bribes), Rasuah Polis? Anda Akan Didakwa (Bribe the police? You will be prosecuted) and Rasuah Membawa Padah (Corruption does not pay).
Wah!! Just wish to see how these "LOR SUI" or POLICEman ask for KOPI Duit while wearing those STICKER. I would suggest you all to wear another sticker so-called ANTI-POLICEMAN!!
Anyway, Just my idea, maybe is better to put a Electronic Sticker on their hands, to sense the Money received by these so-called POLICE. And takes instant photos on it.
YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!!! What a Nice sticker to show RAKYAT and the WORLD!! I am the Corruption KING!! ....Kwak...kwak.....kwak. What do you think??
Additional news: Date 18th Nov 05
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Wah,they still come out with these stupid idea......should change their mentality,not their image.
If want also print out
"Aku Nak Kopi Duit" lol
Yau Mou Gau CHOR!!!!
yhtan arr!!
How the world see US!! Our G were highly corrupted with the PROOF of sticker on the POLIcEMAN uniform.
What a MOron IDEA!! Whose idea is it???
I think someone came up with the idea to instigate the policeman's subconcious mind.
Look at it this way.. Duit Kopi is an easy way out for those who break the law. If got no duit kopi, shit man, everybody die. Heavy fines, go jail etc.. For those who can afford it, Duit kopi is the way to go. If you don't like duit kopi, you can always not pay cash, and settle it the legal way.
I personally have not come across a policeman who wants duit kopi even though you never break the law.
prometheus arr!!
Walaweee....You are Damn luck!!
I agreed with you, if you really did break the laws that might be an option just paying KOPI duit.
What about if you don't break any rules?
Let me tell you, I had few times personal experienced where these LOR sui asking for KOPI Duit. True story of mine.
Here is one example ....Long time ago (2 years ago), I was on the way back to USJ around 1 o'clock in the morning just after the party at KL. Just after the toll at Sunway there were 3 LOR SUi came and blocked my way. They said I was speeding over 130km/h. I was thinking ...How come?? they caught me just 100m away from the toll?? I knew my car is super... but still not the fast man.
I was surprised and I knew they wanna something from me. Just after that, these ppl came and given me 2 options to choose, No. 1 is pay Kopi and No.2 is pay sammon which is RM300 as told by one of the Fat LOR SUI.
At that moment, I am sure I didn't speeding but I knew these ppl just WANN YEA (in cantonese means Play me) and since I was in a hurry plus I don't wanna to be in trouble later (I heard they are DARK too). Therefore, I decided to pay them KOPI duit.
At first, They asking for RM150 coz 3 ppls RM50 each. Wah!! Open their BIG Lion Month....then I said I had no money but only RM5. (That time I was lucky because I had hidden all my money under my seat. coz I am Pro too) Their faces shown not trusted my words. So, I shown them my wallet and then they believed me. Finally, They accepted RM5 and let me go.
Do you know the way they received the money from me? don't!!
They demanded me to put the RM5 under my IC and they acting like copying something from my IC to a book and quickly to take the money put inside their pocket. Wah!! Really professional man!! I think might be too many nnocents.....had kena already!! That's why his skills is so David Cooperfield kidding!!
Can you really believed that they accepted even RM5!!! Ha...ha..ha...Why so CHEAP....?
YAU MOU GAU....CHOR!!! Pity them....CHEAP LOR!!
Wah,so unfortunate arr....see fu
NO choice for them,they are license gangster,daylight robber with permit.
Aiz....M'sia police really worst than a gangster.
Also, I think they are worst than a beggar!!
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